
Muslim women, Rising

Join us in collective feminine empowerment, one rising woman at a time!

Start your transformative journey to  personal peace, power, freedom and faith here....

Hi, I'm Aaliyah...

...and I am an Initiator and Activator of the Divine Feminine power in Muslim women. I help them stand in their truth, step into their power, and reclaim their divine rights as equal, worthy, Whole and Holy beings in the eyes of God, men and themselves. 

It is my deepest wish and prayer that every Muslim woman (and indeed every woman on the planet) frees herself of the invisible shackles on her feet to live her most authentic, liberated and joyful life, while remaining a devoted servant of God.

And I know this to be possible because I have made this journey myself, and have since made it my mission to help other spiritual and justice-minded Muslim Women do the same.

I work exclusively with Muslim women to address and heal the layers of cultural, ancestral, and religious conditioning and patriarchal patterns of oppression of the female; my mission is to cut through the lies and get to the truth of female equality and freedom in Islam, so that Muslim women can take their rightful place as true equals in family, society and spiritual life.

Work with me

Are you a Muslim woman ready to awaken and access your Divine rights to equality, justice, freedom and personal power? Then let me guide you through my nurturing and deeply transformational 'FemPower' process, a magical mix of feminism and spirituality to help you stand in your truth, reclaim your power, and live more joyfully as a Muslim woman! What you get:

  • 1-2-1 FemPower sessions

  • Beautiful workbooks to deepen your self-inquiry 
  • Uniquely personalised exercises, action steps, meditation recordings and journal prompts for self-discovery to help you reach the vision you have for yourself and for your life

  • Recommended reading (books, articles, videos and podcasts) tailored to your individual needs and according to your stage in the empowerment journey

  • Email access to me between sessions
  • Group support in the Muslim Women's Empowerment Collective online forum (Facebook group)


6 x FemPower sessions to awaken your Divine Feminine power, activate your inner Fearless Feminine Wisdom, unlearn patriarchal beliefs, reclaim your voice, and step into your fully expressed self as a spiritual Muslim woman. Structured around the Five Keys to Empowerment, you will learn how to Educate, Evolve, Express, Embody and Elevate yourself into the most empowered and authenctic version of yourself!

Full payment £333

(Payment plans available)

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12 x FemPower sessions covering everyhing in the Awaken programme, but delving deeper into the Five Keys of Empowerment to

help you resolve any internal and external conflicts around gender and religion,  releasing deeply-held limiting beliefs around your feminine identity. Discover how to enjoy true equality and justice in all your relationships, and find peace with both your faith and your feminism.

Full Payment £555 (BEST VALUE)

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Rising Sisterhood

Coming soon!

Make you're the first to know when the group coaching programme opens, by subscribing to my newsletter


PAYG option

Once you have completed Awaken or Rise, you can continue 121 FemPower sessions as and when you need them.

1 60min session £45

The FemPower Process

My nurturing and deeply transformational FemPower process is a magical mix of Islamic feminism, heart- centred personal development, and Fearless Feminine Wisdom, to help you stand in your truth, reclaim your power, and live more joyfully as a Muslim woman! 

We work with the three centres of Mind-Heart-Womb consciousness to unlearn, heal, release, dissolve or obliterate patterns of patriarchal conditioning that result in a myriad of problems in women’s lives and show up as physical, emotional or spiritual crises or areas of ‘stuckness’. I particularly love to hold women while they’re going through their ‘Dark Night of the Soul' (iykyk!)

The FemPower process uses the ‘5 Keys of Empowerment’ to Educate, Express, Embody, Evolve and Elevate women into their highest timeline, healthiest expression and most expansive version of themselves.


Book Aaliyah to speak at your event

Email us or complete the contact form and we will get back to you!
